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Privacy & Data Protection Policy

The owner and data controller of is:


Jayne Atkins, Managing Director
Kenilworth, Warwickshire
07811 353 606

Personal data is defined by the General Data Protection Regulation (EU Regulation 2016/679) (the “GDPR”) as ‘any information relating to an identifiable person who can be directly or indirectly identified in particular by reference to an identifier’.

If you use the contact form in our website, we collect your name, email address, phone number and possibly your company name (if you provide it).

When you fill out the contact form you authorise us to use the details you provided to contact you and reply to requests for information, quotes, or any other type of request.

Any personal data you provide using the contact form will only be used by Phlebotomy Services and and will not be shared with any other parties unless you have given your permission or requested for it to be shared.

Your personal data will be stored for as long as it is needed for the purpose it has been provided for, and for as long as we have your consent to retain it. The purposes for storing your personal data can include:


  • Replying to requests for information, services, or any other type of request

  • Providing information to you that we consider will be relevant or helpful in relation to a request, service or ongoing medical issue

  • Performing a service such as blood tests or swab tests for as long as the service period requires.

  • To inform you of any issues we consider you should be made aware of after a service has ended

  • Marketing (where you have given your permission and/or where we are permitted by law), such as sending you information or news about our clinics and services

  • Enabling Phlebotomy Services to supply services to you in any way not outlined above.

We will always aim to uphold your rights over your personal data in accordance with the GDPR. Under the GDPR you have the right to be informed about this collection and use of your personal data.

If you have provided personal data using the contact form on this website you can request to receive a file of the personal data we hold about you, including any data you have provided to us.

You can request for the personal data held to be amended if you find any of it is inaccurate or incomplete.

You can request that we refrain from using your personal data for a particular purpose even if you previously gave your consent to use it for that purpose.

You can also request that we erase any personal data held about you, even if you have previously given your consent for this data to be held. This does not include any data we are obliged to keep for administrative, legal, or security purposes.

You have the right to lodge a complaint with your competent data protection authority if you believe we have failed to meet the obligations outlined in this privacy policy.

Personal data you provide using the contact form on this website may be checked through an automated spam detection service.
We will take appropriate security measures to prevent unauthorised access, disclosure, modification or unauthorised destruction of your personal data.

If a data breach occurs despite security measures we will inform you as soon as possible and advise what actions you can take.
We may be required to reveal personal data upon the request of public authorities.
We may make changes to this privacy policy at any time, for example if the law changes, or if business activities change in a way that affects how we collect and use personal data.
More details about the use of your personal data can be requested at any time. Contact details are provided at the top of this page.



Feedback, Complaints & Compliments




Phlebotomy Services is committed to delivering a high-quality Phlebotomy service. Patients using our independent healthcare service will have access to our complaints procedure in the event they are unhappy with any part of the service being provided.  Patient’s complaints & comments will be listened to and acted upon as per our complaints policy. The policy outlines the different stages of the complaints procedure and includes arrangements to identify, receive, record, handle and respond to any complaint.  Phlebotomy Services will take all reasonable steps to ensure that its staff are aware of and comply with this policy and procedures.




If you are not satisfied with the service, you have received and would like to make complaint, you are invited to do so to with any member of staff, either verbally or in writing at the earliest opportunity. We will attempt to resolve issues without delay.  No patient, or person acting on their behalf, will be discriminated against for making a complaint. 

Complainants will receive a written acknowledgement  within 3 working days and a full investigation of their complaint with a written response received within 20 days. 

If we have been unable to resolve your issue and you wish to take your complaint further, our policy is in place to escalate your complaint with an independent complaints adjudicator, details of which can be supplied upon request.


In the first instance, please contact our Registered Manager/Managing Director at Phlebotomy Services Ltd – Jayne Atkins


Tel:-                07811 353606



Phlebotomy Services believes that feedback and reviews from patients offers transparency & assistance to others as well as ensuring continued improvements within our business.  We welcome your feedback and comments using our independent Trust Pilot partner:

We're committed to maintaining the best practice, to ensure the safety and wellbeing of our patients and our staff.

Peace Of Mind.

Registered With:


Peace Of Mind.

Fully Insured With:



© 2020 Phlebotomy Services Ltd.

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Privacy Policy


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